How does the prophylactic defense of covid -19 work?

"Globalisierung zähmen und die Früchte ernten."

My TIPS for the prophylactic fight against the covid-19 pandemic:

The virus contains, like all viruses, DNA/RNA protein with a shell. Protein denatures under heat. The entry points are essentially the nasopharynx and the Bronchial System.

Heat kills the virus there before it enters the lungs and the whole body. The body tells us what it wants: warmth, heat, rest. No coldness.

At the slightest sign of„catch a cold“such as freezing, scratching the throat, sneezing, coughing, fatigue, the virus killer defense consists of heat supply, such as warm blanket, sweater, scarf, drinking hot tea, sipping hot drinks (in Thailand hot/spicy „mama“ soup), cleaning teeth thoroughly with subsequent gurgling, inhaling 2 to 3 times hot steam with essential oils …

Warmth, heat, sweating in any form. Avoid cold. Do not catch a cold! If necessary a certain distance to avoid droplet infections. Do not spread panic.

That’s howsimple…

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