Chinas Raketen können Amerikas Marineflotten, Militärbasen in „Stunden“ zerstören

"Globalisierung zähmen und die Früchte ernten."

China’s Missiles Can Destroy America’s Navy Fleets, Military Bases in “Hours”

Monday, August 19, 2019

The 104-page report also urged the US and its Pacific allies, namely Australia and Japan, to overhaul their military investment plans as well as spending and relationships in the region.

China has enough cutting-edge ballistic missile technology to destroy the United States’ Western Pacific Navy fleets and military bases in a matter of “hours”, areport from the University of Sydneysaid on Monday.

The US no longer “enjoys military primacy” in the Indo-Pacific and has an “uncertain” capacity to keep a “favorable balance of power”, the report from the University’s United States Studies Centre said.

Beijing could quickly topple US forces “particularly around Taiwan, the Japanese archipelago or maritime Southeast Asia” before Washington could respond, authors Ashley Townshend, Matilda Steward and Brendan Thomas-Noone warned.

The report also revealed shocking estimates of…

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